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Home / Ninth Annual General Meeting held

Ninth Annual General Meeting held

Dec 24, 2022

The ninth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Sarbodaya Nepal has held on 24th December 2022 at Lalitpur. The program was chaired by the Chairperson of the Sarbodaya  Nepal Mr. Pustak Raj Ojha and inaugurated by Mr. Prakash Kafle, Thematic Leader-Resilience and Climate Justice at Oxfam of Sarbodaya Nepal. In the representative of the national agriculture research council, Plan International, and other representatives of NGOs expressed their views and well wishes. In the Program Mr. Dhan Bahadur Air, Executive Director of Sarbodaya Nepal presented the progress of 2021-22 and plan for 2021-22 fiscal year and Mr. Shiva Ram Pudasaiani, Finance & Admin Manager presented annual financial progress report and financial plan of 2022-23 on behalf of Treasurer Mr. Tara Prasad Bakhariya. The AGM passed the annual progress and financial reports and annual program and financial plans of 2022-23. The AGM also passed various future pan of organization.

The general meeting has elected 7 members new executive board with One Jumla Representative and One Kavre representative of Sarbodaya Nepal under the leadership of  Ms. Bina Neupa, following are new executive board members of  Sarboday Nepal Board.  

1.       Chairperson – Ms. Bina Neupane 

2.       Vice Chairperson - Mr. Ganesh Bista 

3.       Secretory- Mr. Jhabendra Prakash Bhattarai

4.       Treasurer - Ms. Balanani Maharjan 

5.       Assistant Secretory- Mrs. Pratigya Kattel

6.       Member- Mr. Khumkant Chapagain

7.       Member - Ms. Jyoti Dhungana

8.       Member - Ms. Narayani Chaulagain, Jumla 

9.     Member - Ms. Yashoda KC, Kavre

Head Office

Sarbodaya Nepal

Address : Ekantkuna, Ward No : 13, Lalitpur, Nepal

P.O . Box No.: 26582

Phone : + (977) 1 5185650

Email :

Office Hours

Sunday to Thursday:

10:00 am - 4:00 pm (Winter)

10:00 am - 5:00 pm (Summer)


10:00 am to 2:30 pm (Winter)

10:00 am to 3:30 pm (Summer)
